questions for 4th ed skills.

  • John D

    4edQ: Do skills Block, Dodge, Tackle MODIFY the block roll or simply AFFECT it? Do you declare the use of one of these skills before or after rolling the block dice? Who declares first and what about Side Step?

    4edQ: A frenzied player may only use one skill once during the attack (his action). What about the defender concidering the frenzy being one attack?

    4edQ: Diving Tackle and Piling (On) both MODIFY rolls but as they require the user be placed prone, shouldn't they be declared before (dodge or armour) rolling?

    4edQ: Can skills Dodge, Leap, Catch be used while performing Pass Block?

    4edQ: When a player catches the ball he isn't taking an action. Does this make Catch a free skill (like Guard) in terms of the “one skill once per action” rule?

    4edQ: All Stunty players (gobs, hafls, snots and blue horrors) have that nasty +1injury modifier when attacked. Why doesn't this apply to skinks (and they run like hell, too…)? What about the dificulties of passing? Do they take general skills/traits as well..?

    4ed: Skills Block, Dodge, Tackle are said to affect (not modify) the block roll. 4edGold quote (page 2): “If you are going to do something (…) which a skill will affect, then you must declare whether you will be using the skill before carrying that thing out, but after declaring the action.” This way the attacker must decide before the block roll is made whether to use Block or Tackle or save the skill use and hope for a clean “attacker down” result. For example a player determined to use his Razor skill won't be using any skill when blocking thus running some risk of getting knocked over himself. When declaring skills after the block roll the attacker can use Block to avoid being knocked over or Tackle to negate the defender's Dodge. Declaring before the block roll forces the attacker to choose his attacking style (blocking, tackling, biting, piling, clawing or a wild swing of Mighty Blow).

  • princelucianus


    *Block, Dodge and tackle only affect the dice, meaning: A blocker has the advantage of blokc and tackle, a defender ha sthe advantage of block and dodge.

    Tackle nulifies the dodge skill. They only have to be declared after rolling the dice.

    *One Skilll Per Action only counts for players whose turn it is. OSPA does not count for your palyers players if it's your opponents turn.

    *Diving tackle is an action which can only be performed in your opponents turn. If the situation occurs in which a diving tackle can be performed, you must state that you will use it. (You may chose not to use it). Piling on may be declared after the defender has been succesfully blocked. So it may only be used when the defending player lies on the ground, blocked by the player who has piling on. It immediately affects the armour roll.

    *Since OSPA does not count in your opponents turn, you may use those skills. You may not use sprint or “Go for it”.

    *The termphrase is one skill per action. So the player can take his action and later receive the ball, which is another action all together. If the player starts his action with catching the ball (and using his catch skill) and continuing immediately afterward, then he has used his OSPA for that turn.

    *Lizardteams are powerfull indeed.

    *Horns for instance must be declared before you block. This means that you lose your blocking skill. Because horns increases your strength with one point (when you blitz) this of course should be stated. But if someone tries to make a block, you simply state “block”. If the player is succesfull and didn't use any skills, he can still use razor sharp claws to affect the armour roll. Actully, you can wait to see what the roll was and state that you use it after seeing the dice.

    Example, a player with block, razor sharp claws and mighty blow blocks a player. If he had to use block to bring the defender down, hre loses the rest of his skills for the armour roll. If he didn't he can roll the armour roll and chose to use razor harp claws if this helps him to penetrate the armour. If so, he loses mighty blow for the injuryroll. If RScalws wasn't used, he might still use mighty blow to affect the injuryroll.

    OSPA must actully be declared beforehand if

    a- without the skill, the action is impossible, diving catch for example

    b- it will immediately modify the dice roll, horns.

    But normally you can declare using a skill after seeing the diceroll.

    throwing the ball is a good example. If you have accurate and pass, you can throw the ball and look if the throw needs the accurate skill. If accurate didn't help you, use pass to reroll it (of course you miss accurate for the second attempt).